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Server Commands

Here you can find details on different features of each server as well as any useful commands.

  1. Voting (Survival, Skyblock, SkyGrid)
  2. Ranks (Survival, Skyblock, SkyGrid)
  3. Player Market (Survival, SkyGrid)
  4. Global commands
  5. Server Shortcuts
  6. Daily Restarts

Voting (Survival, Skyblock, SkyGrid)

You can vote once every day although the exact rules and behaviors vary from site to site.
Each vote will give you a key:

  • 75% chance for [Common]
  • 20% chance for [Uncommon]
  • 5% chance for [Rare]
/vote Shows clickable voting links.
/votenext Shows what sites you haven't voted on.
/voteshop Opens the voting shop to buy unique items with vote points.
/votepoints Shows how many vote points you have.

Ranks (Survival, Skyblock, SkyGrid)

Players start with the "Budgie" rank and ranks inherit previous ranks perks.

/ranks View the current ranks available with their requirements.
/rankup Warp to the rankup altar / Attempt to rankup.

Player Market (Survival, SkyGrid)

Right-click the [Rent] sign to rent the plot.

Sell items by left-clicking on a chest while holding the item. Fill the chest to stock the shop.

/market Takes you to the player market warp.
/market <number> Takes you directly to the specified plot number.
/arm gui Opens the market shop interface.
/arm restore Resets to a empty plot, deletes all items.
/arm extend Extend your rent by 1 week.
/arm addmember Allows a player to build on your plot.
/arm removemember Disallows a player to build on your plot.

Create a shop by punching a chest while holding an item.

/qs staff add Gives a player access to a chest shop.
/qs staff del Remove a players access from a shop.
/qs staff list Show players that have access to a chest shop.
/qs staff clear Remove all staff from a chest shop.
Plot Expiration

Survival plots will be wiped when expired.
SkyGrid plots will not be wiped when expired.

Global commands

/ignore <player> Hides all messages and chat from the player.
/msg <player> <message> Sends a private message to a player.
/r <message> Sends a private message to the last player you messaged.
/afk Toggles your "afk" status.
/help Gives you a link to this webpage.
/rules Lists the rules.
/server <server> Connect directly to another server.
/hiderank Toggles the visibility of your rank tag.
/hidevip Toggles the visibility of your VIP tag.

Server Shortcuts

/vanilla Shortcut to join Vanilla Survival.
/creative_server Shortcut to join Creative.
/skygrid Shortcut to join Skygrid.
/skyblock Shortcut to join Skyblock.
/canary_survival Shortcut to join Canary Survival.
/budgie_survival Shortcut to join Budgie Survival.
/hub Shortcut to join the hub.

Daily Restarts

The network will restart once per day in order to maintain optimal performance and to apply pending fixes.
Restart times are staggered to reduce downtime.

5pm AEDT
  • Network (Proxy)
  • Survivals
  • Skyblock
  • SkyGrid
1am AEDT
  • Hub
  • Creative
  • Vanilla
2am AEDT
  • Legacy Survivals
/timeleft Displays time remaining before the server restart.
/btimeleft Displays time remaining before the network (Proxy) restart.

  1. Homes
  2. Claims
  3. McMMO
  4. Prestige
  5. Vanilla Mechanic Changes
  6. Player Warps


A home is a saved destination that you can visit any time by using /home.
As your rank increases you can have multiple homes.
  • Nomad (max 3 homes)
  • Adventurer (max 5 homes)
  • Veteran (max 7 homes)
  • Legend (max 9 homes)
  • God (max 15 homes)
VIP has a max of 20. (obtained via Uncommon crate or store)
The Homes perk has a max of 30. (obtained via voting: /voteshop)

/home Go to your default home.
/home <name> Go to one of your specified homes.
/sethome <name> Sets a personal home under any name.
/homes View a list of all your current homes.
/delhome <name> Remove one of your specified homes.


While holding a golden shovel, right-click 2 points on the ground to create a claimed area.
Your new claim will be highlighted by glowstone. Use /kit claim for a free shovel.

Anything inside the glowstone box (visual only) can only be modified or accessed by you.

Right-click on the ground with a stick to check its claim status. Crouch + right-click to see all surrounding claims.

  • Only you have access to anything inside your claims.
  • PVP is disabled inside claims.
  • Claim height extends from bedrock to world height.
  • You have a limited amount of claim blocks.
    • You will receive 100 claim blocks per hour, up to 50,000.
    • You can buy more with in-game money with /buyclaim.

Claim Expiration

If a player has not logged in for more than 100 days and has less than 1500 total claim blocks, all their claims will be removed.

Claim Permissions
/UnTrust <player>/All Revokes all the players permissions in the claim.
/AccessTrust <player> Gives permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds.
/ContainerTrust <player> Gives permission to crafting gear, containers, and animals. Includes access trust.
/TrustList Lists the permissions for the claim you're standing in.
/Trust <player> Gives the player permission to build/place/use in your claim.

Claim Management
/subdivideclaims Switches your shovel to subdivision mode, so you can split your claims into smaller parts.
/restrictsubclaim Restricts a subclaim, so that it inherits no permissions from the parent claim.
/claimslist Lists a player's claims and claim block details.
/claimexplosions Toggles whether explosions can cause damage within your claim.

Claim Subdivision (mini claims inside claims)

1. Stand in your existing claim.

2. Use the command /subdivideclaims

3. Hold your golden shovel and make a claim selection like you would a normal claim.

4. Your subclaim will show as a silver box now.

  • Stand in your subclaim and use /restrictsubclaim to remove all trust perms from it.
  • Stand in your subclaim and use /trust <player> to add a player to the subclaim.


McMMO is an addon that adds leveled progression to almost every activity. As your level increases for a skill, you will obtain new passive and active abilities to assist you in that skill.

The following skills are available for leveling up (maximum obtainable level if applicable):

  • Acrobatics (max 3000)
  • Fishing
  • Smelting
  • Alchemy
  • Herbalism (max 1500)
  • Swords
  • Archery
  • Mining
  • Taming
  • Axes
  • Repair
  • Unarmed
  • Excavation
  • Salvage
  • Woodcutting

  • Basic Commands
    /mcstats View all your current skill levels.
    /<skill> View info about that skill (see above for applicable skills).
    /mctop Shows mcmmo leaderboards.
    /mcability Toggle right-clicking for skill abilities.
    /mcrank <skill> See player ranking for the specified skill.
    /inspect <player> See a nearby players mcmmo stats.

    Additional Information
    • McMMO is based on a linear exp curve: exp = 1020 + (level * 20).
    • Mob spawners do not give exp.
    • Endermen give reduced exp.
    • There is no cap on how much exp can be gained. (some levels are capped, see above)
    • Tree Feller gives full exp.
    • Pistons will not reset ore states.
    • See here for acrobatics exp limitations.

    EXP Potions
    • EXP Potions will multiply your experience rate by the specified amount.
    • EXP pots do not stack EXP rates.
    • If multiple are active, the highest rate will be used.
    • The time remaining will stack.
    • EXP potions can be obtained via Hard dungeons and Raids at /dungeons.

    The GigaForge alchemist can be found at /dungeons.
    Exp potions can be combined into higher rates.
    • 4 x Double 15 Min -> Double (1 Hour)
    • 2 x Double (1 Hour) -> Triple (1 Hour)
    • 2 x Triple (1 Hour) -> Quadruple (1 Hour)
    • 2 x Quadruple (1 Hour) -> Quintuple (1 Hour)
    • 2 x Quintuple (1 Hour) -> Sextuple (1 Hour)
    • 2 x Sextuple (1 Hour) -> Septuple (1 Hour)
    • 2 x Septuple (1 Hour) -> Octuple (1 Hour)


    Once you reach God rank, you will have to opportunity to enter the Prestige dungeon at /dungeons and unlock your next prestige rank.

    /prestige Warp to the God guild, in front of the prestige altar.
    /prestiges View the current prestiges available with their requirements.

    Vanilla Mechanic Changes

    All servers use papermc.

    Item Despawn Rate

    Default item despawn time is 5 minutes.

    Modified despawn times:
    • 2 Minutes
      • Spruce Logs, Dark Oak Logs
    • 30 Seconds
      • Blaze Rod, Bone, Ender Pearl, Gold Nugget, Gunpowder, Ink Sac, Iron Ingot, Saddle, Slime Ball, Spider Eye, String, Poppy
    • 15 Seconds
      • Cactus, Cobblestone, Melon Slice, Pumpkin, Rotten Flesh
    • 10 Seconds
      • Golden Sword

    Despawn Range
    The following applies to all mobs.
    • Soft cap: 32
      • Block radius from a player where mobs will randomly despawn over time.
    • Hard cap: 96
      • Block radius from a player where mobs will forcibly despawn.

    Mob Limits
    The following is the maximum amount of entities that can exist an a given area.
    • Animals / Friendly Mobs (same type)
      • 20 in 5 block radius.
      • 50 in 160 block radius.
    • Villagers
      • 5 per chunk.
      • 40 in 150 block radius.
    • Iron Golems
      • 12 per chunk.
      • 80 in 60 block radius.
    • Wolves
      • 25 in 50 block radius.
    • Hostile Mobs
      • 15 per chunk.
    • Endermen
      • 10 per chunk.
    • Warden
      • 5 in 50 block radius.

    Activation Range
    Entities outside of this range (block radius) will tick at a reduced rate.
    • Animals: 8
    • Monsters: 26
    • Villagers: 16
    • Raiders: 16

    View/Spawn Range
    Distances measured in chunk radius from the player.
    • View distance: 10
    • Simulation distance: 4
      • Any entity outside this radius will not be ticked by the server.
    • Mob spawn range: 3

    Player Warps

    Permanent VIP may place 1 player warp.

    /pwarp Opens the Player Warp GUI.
    /pwarp ban set/remove/list <warp> <username> Bans or unbans players from using your warps.
    /pwarp category set <warp> farms/houses/other/shops Sets the category of your pwarp.
    /pwarp desc set/remove <warp> <description> Sets or removes the description for your warp.
    /pwarp help Shows additional pwarp commands.
    /pwarp password set <warp> <password> Creates a password in order to access the warp.
    /pwarp rate <warp> <rating> Adds a rating to someone elses pwarp from 1-5.
    /pwarp remove <warp> Removes the specified player warp.
    /pwarp rename <warp> Renames an existing warp.
    /pwarp set <name> Creates a player warp at your location.
    /pwarp set icon <warp> Sets the icon for your warp.

    PWarps will expire if the owner has not logged on for 100 days.

    1. Islands and Movement
    2. Vanilla Mechanic Changes

    Islands and Movement

    Anyone has the ability to access player warps, however only Dragon and above have the ability to create a pwarp. VIPs have the ability to make up to 3.

    /challenges Shows challenges progression.
    /is Creates an island / Open island control panel.
    /is ban <player> Bans a player from visiting your island.
    /is biomes Buy and change the biome of your island.
    /is expel <player> Kicks a player from your island.
    /is language Change the language preferences.
    /is private Disallows visitors.
    /is public Allows visitors.
    /is team accept Accept an invite to join another island.
    /is team invite <player> Invite a player to join your island as a member.
    /is visit <player> Teleports you to a players island.
    /is warps Lists player made island warps.
    /warp <rank> Warp to the public island for the specified rank.

    Vanilla Mechanic Changes

    All servers use papermc.

    Item Despawn Rate

    Default item despawn time is 5 minutes.

    Modified despawn times:
    • 2 Minutes
      • Spruce Logs, Dark Oak Logs
    • 30 Seconds
      • Blaze Rod, Bone, Ender Pearl, Gold Nugget, Gunpowder, Ink Sac, Iron Ingot, Saddle, Slime Ball, Spider Eye, String, Poppy
    • 15 Seconds
      • Cactus, Cobblestone, Melon Slice, Pumpkin, Rotten Flesh
    • 10 Seconds
      • Golden Sword

    Despawn Range
    The following applies to all mobs.
    • Soft cap: 32
      • Block radius from a player where mobs will randomly despawn over time.
    • Hard cap: 128
      • Block radius from a player where mobs will forcibly despawn.

    Mob Limits
    The following is the maximum amount of entities that can exist an a given area.
    • Animals / Friendly Mobs (same type)
      • 15 in 5 block radius.
    • Villagers
      • 5 per chunk.
    • Iron Golems
      • 10 per chunk.
    • Wolves
      • 25 in 50 block radius.
    • Hostile Mobs
      • 15 per chunk.
    • Endermen
      • 10 per chunk.
    • Warden
      • 5 in 50 block radius.

    Activation Range
    Entities outside of this range (block radius) will tick at a reduced rate.
    • Animals: 32
    • Monsters: 32
    • Villagers: 16
    • Raiders: 16

    View/Spawn Range
    Distances measured in chunk radius from the player.
    • View distance: 10
    • Simulation distance: 5
      • Any entity outside this radius will not be ticked by the server.
    • Mob spawn range: 8

    1. Claims
    2. Vanilla Mechanic Changes
    3. Player Warps


    While holding a golden shovel, right-click 2 points on the ground to create a claimed area.
    Your new claim will be highlighted by glowstone. Use /kit claim for a free shovel.

    Anything inside the glowstone box (visual only) can only be modified or accessed by you.

    Right-click on the ground with a stick to check its claim status. Crouch + right-click to see all surrounding claims.

    • Only you have access to anything inside your claims.
    • PVP is disabled inside claims.
    • Claim height extends from bedrock to world height.
    • You have a limited amount of claim blocks.
      • You will receive 100 claim blocks per hour, up to 50,000.
      • You can buy more with in-game money with /buyclaim.

    Claim Expiration

    If a player has not logged in for more than 100 days and has less than 1500 total claim blocks, all their claims will be removed.

    Claim Permissions
    /UnTrust <player>/All Revokes all the players permissions in the claim.
    /AccessTrust <player> Gives permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds.
    /ContainerTrust <player> Gives permission to crafting gear, containers, and animals. Includes access trust.
    /TrustList Lists the permissions for the claim you're standing in.
    /Trust <player> Gives the player permission to build/place/use in your claim.

    Claim Management
    /subdivideclaims Switches your shovel to subdivision mode, so you can split your claims into smaller parts.
    /restrictsubclaim Restricts a subclaim, so that it inherits no permissions from the parent claim.
    /claimslist Lists a player's claims and claim block details.
    /claimexplosions Toggles whether explosions can cause damage within your claim.

    Claim Subdivision (mini claims inside claims)

    1. Stand in your existing claim.

    2. Use the command /subdivideclaims

    3. Hold your golden shovel and make a claim selection like you would a normal claim.

    4. Your subclaim will show as a silver box now.

    • Stand in your subclaim and use /restrictsubclaim to remove all trust perms from it.
    • Stand in your subclaim and use /trust <player> to add a player to the subclaim.

    Vanilla Mechanic Changes

    All servers use papermc.

    Item Despawn Rate

    Default item despawn time is 5 minutes.

    Modified despawn times:
    • 2 Minutes
      • Spruce Logs, Dark Oak Logs
    • 30 Seconds
      • Blaze Rod, Bone, Ender Pearl, Gold Nugget, Gunpowder, Ink Sac, Iron Ingot, Saddle, Slime Ball, Spider Eye, String, Poppy
    • 15 Seconds
      • Cactus, Cobblestone, Melon Slice, Pumpkin, Rotten Flesh
    • 10 Seconds
      • Golden Sword

    Despawn Range
    The following applies to all mobs.
    • Soft cap: 32
      • Block radius from a player where mobs will randomly despawn over time.
    • Hard cap: 96
      • Block radius from a player where mobs will forcibly despawn.

    Mob Limits
    The following is the maximum amount of entities that can exist an a given area.
    • Animals / Friendly Mobs (same type)
      • 15 in 5 block radius.
    • Villagers
      • 5 per chunk.
    • Iron Golems
      • 10 per chunk.
    • Wolves
      • 25 in 50 block radius.
    • Hostile Mobs
      • 15 per chunk.
    • Endermen
      • 10 per chunk.
    • Warden
      • 5 in 50 block radius.

    Activation Range
    Entities outside of this range (block radius) will tick at a reduced rate.
    • Animals: 8
    • Monsters: 26
    • Villagers: 16
    • Raiders: 16

    View/Spawn Range
    Distances measured in chunk radius from the player.
    • View distance: 9
    • Simulation distance: 4
      • Any entity outside this radius will not be ticked by the server.
    • Mob spawn range: 3

    Player Warps

    Anyone has the ability to access player warps, however only Dragon and above have the ability to create a pwarp. VIPs have the ability to make up to 3.

    /pwarp Opens the Player Warp GUI.
    /pwarp ban set/remove/list <warp> <username> Bans or unbans players from using your warps.
    /pwarp category set <warp> farms/houses/other/shops Sets the category of your pwarp.
    /pwarp desc set/remove <warp> <description> Sets or removes the description for your warp.
    /pwarp help Shows additional pwarp commands.
    /pwarp password set <warp> <password> Creates a password in order to access the warp.
    /pwarp rate <warp> <rating> Adds a rating to someone elses pwarp from 1-5.
    /pwarp remove <warp> Removes the specified player warp.
    /pwarp rename <warp> Renames an existing warp.
    /pwarp set <name> Creates a player warp at your location.
    /pwarp set icon <warp> Sets the icon for your warp.

    PWarps will expire if the owner has not logged on for 100 days.

    1. Plots
    2. Misc


    Players will be able to build anything while inside their designated plots.

    • Each player may claim 1 plot.
    • The following items are not available:
      • Minecarts
      • Boats
      • Spawners
      • Ender Eyes
      • Commands Blocks
      • End Portal Blocks
      • Gate Portal Blocks
      • Nether Portals
      • Spawn Eggs
      • Maps
      • Books
      • Lecterns
    /plot auto Automatically claims a plot within the occupied world.
    /plot claim Claims a creative plot.
    /plot clear Reverts back to an empty plot.
    /plot download schem Allows plot owners to download a schematic of their plot.
    /plot info See information on the plot.
    /plot merge Merges with an adjacent plot.
    /plot music Adds music to your plot.
    /plot setbiome Change the biome in your plot.
    /plot trust <player> Allows a player to build on your plot.
    /plot unlink Reverts a previous /plot merge.
    /plot visit <player> Teleports you to a players plot.


    /pcreative Switch to creative gamemode.
    /psurvival Switch to survival gamemode.
    /brush Worldedit tool that's useful for terrain or large scale constructions.
    /skull <player> Gives or replaces the held skull with that of the inserted username.

    This is the vanilla game, idk what to put here.

    alt + F4 In case you spot another player.